BLM Northwest Annual Vehicle Pass

Feb. 13, 2024

Volunteer with Team Dirt and earn a BLM Northwest Oregon Annual Vehicle Pass


Team Dirt volunteers put in another outstanding season of trail stewardship at Alsea Falls in 2023.  We had 165 volunteers that contributed 2081 hours of trail maintenance and service for our two shuttle day fundraisers.


We partner with the Bureau of Land Management to maintain the Alsea Falls trail system, and one of the requirements is to report our volunteer hours each year.  That’s one of the big reasons we adopted Golden Volunteer last year.  That tool makes it easy for volunteers to sign up (and complete the required waivers) online for build days and events.  It also makes it much easier for us to report on hours contributed by volunteers.


Did you know that volunteering at Alsea Falls can earn you a BLM Northwest Oregon Annual Vehicle Pass?  BLM now requires a day use fee ($5) or a $30 district-wide annual recreation pass for Alsea Falls and other areas (e.g. Sandy Ridge).  Volunteers that contribute 12 hours (3 build days) of service at Alsea Falls are eligible for that annual recreation pass.  In 2023, 54 volunteers earned a pass. 


To earn your pass, simply go to our Golden Volunteer page ( and sign up for build days.  We build at Alsea on the first Saturday and third Sunday of each month until our first shuttle weekend (June 15-16), take the summer off, and come back before the second shuttle weekend (September 7-8) for the remainder of the year.


You don’t need any experience to join one of our build days.  We supply safety gear and trail maintenance equipment and assemble teams supervised by experienced leaders.  Be sure to dress appropriately for the weather and bring water and snacks.  Bring your bike, too, as we almost always shuttle up for a few laps when we finish our work.